Thursday, July 27, 2006

(Gasp!) The Horror...Well, Not Really...

Believe it or not, I found out the other day that my ex-husband is a Republican—from our children (ages 13 and 9) no less. I knew that his name did not appear on the Prevail lists used by our local committee, but figured it was just a factor of the criteria used to develop them—including those sent by candidates for GOTV purposes. While I knew that his views were becoming more right-leaning since remarrying, I never thought he was a “card-carrying” Republican. As you can tell, we rarely discussed politics during our marriage—except on Election Day, of course. No wonder his mother (a Democrat from way back) always said that we cancelled out a lot of his votes.

But I’m not worried about this fall’s Senate election—nope, not one bit. Why? As a state worker, my ex griped about George Allen for years. During the four years that Allen was governor, there were hiring and/or salary freezes for state workers. “He’s balancing the budget on the backs of the state employees” was a comment I heard over and over. So, according to my children, their father is voting for Jim Webb. Hmmm…maybe I’ll go next door and offer him a Webb sign for his yard.

NOTE: At the same time, I think I’ll ask my ex what Virgil has done for him lately as well. Considering that Virgil’s gotten only one of his introduced bills through Congress in the 10 years he’s been there, it can’t be much. At least Al Weed has a plan for what he’d like to accomplish in Congress.


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